Gödöllö, Hungary: September 2016 - August 2017
Oct16: we plan and organise our second teachers meeting in Gödöllö in Dec16
Nov16: Montessori Schule Augsburg present the Erasmus+ project in school
Dec16: second teachers meeting in Gödöllö to organise the second project year including the second students project week in Gödöllö in May17
Dec16: we send Xmas parcels to our partner schools
Feb17: Montessori Schule Augsburg organised a UNICEF benefiz run (in July16) on the project theme "WATER CONNECTS" and won (Feb17) a football signed by the German player Mats Hummels
Feb17-Mar17: the Dutch, Hungarian and German students create logos for their Erasmus+ project "WATER CONNECTS!".
The winner will be chosen during our second project week!
Apr17: we create KAHOOTS! on the topic of water.
KAHOOTS! are online! KAHOOTS! are online! KAHOOTS! are online! KAHOOTS! are online!
KAHOOTS! are online! KAHOOTS! are online! KAHOOTS! are online! KAHOOTS! are online!
May17: students project week in Gödöllö (May 27th - June 2nd)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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